The Cloudland Seminary identifies with all believers who desire to live by the Scriptures alone for matters of faith and practice. We are part of an historic tradition of which seeks to be Christians only following the Apostle’s doctrine as given in the New Testament Scriptures. We have no denominational structure or allegiance to any particular denomination. All who follow Christ according to His word are our brethren in Christ.
- We believe that the universe is created by God Almighty and that man (male and female) is made in the image of God the Creator. Objective truth and moral absolutes are a reality for they are ultimately rooted in God. All mankind has sinned against God and abide in His wrath apart from the Savior, Jesus Christ.
- We believe the Scriptures in its entirety as the inspired word of God and our final authority in matters of doctrine and Christian living. In its original form (autographs) it is completely without error in all it affirms as true. We believe that the Scriptures are a precious gift from God and are to be interpreted with the greatest of care.
- We believe that God’s ultimate revelation of Himself is in Christ Jesus (Hebrews 1:1-2). Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of the Living God, the Christ (Messiah), born of the Virgin Mary and empowered by the Holy Spirit of God who was sent into this world to save mankind from their sins. He was crucified on the cross and gave up His life as a propitiation for sins. After being buried in a tomb, His physical body was raised on the third day from the dead by the power of God. After demonstrating his resurrection for forty days he ascended on high and lives and reigns for evermore. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will return again after the proclamation of the gospel throughout the world for the final judgment.
- We believe in the Holy Spirit who is given to penitent believers in Christ through faith and baptism into Christ for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38) at which time the merits of Christ’s sacrificial death are realized to the individual. The indwelling Holy Spirit is the seal of our salvation and the source of our sanctification in Christ.
- We believe that salvation is only through Jesus Christ. Salvation is individual and obtained by believing from the heart in the Gospel of Christ. The believer must repent from sins, be immersed (baptized) into Christ for spiritual cleansing, and live obediently to Christ as Lord being faithful unto death. Every disciple is to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, and serve the Body of Christ.
- We believe in the mandate given by Christ to proclaim the gospel throughout the world making disciples of all nations. Those who respond to the gospel are added to the church which is the Body of Christ. The church of Christ is the assembly of the redeemed on earth and in heaven. It is the “pillar and ground” of the truth and its leadership is to teach that truth and protect the church from false teaching. The faith “once for all delivered” to the church is to be passed on from one generation to the next.
- We believe in the visible return of Christ from heaven to this world and the general resurrection from the death. Those who have done evil will face the judgment and those who have done good to a resurrection of eternal life.